Mina is a town in Chautauqua County, New York. The population was 1,007 at the 2020 census. It is the Southern Tier Gateway to New York State. The town is best known as a resort area, centered on the hamlet of Findley Lake.
Mina Town Board 2025 Meeting Schedule Meetings Start at 7:00 pm Mina-Findley Lake Community Center 2883 North Road, Findley Lake, NY 14736 Thursday, February 6, 2025 Thursday, March 13, 2025 Thursday, April 10, 2025 Thursday, May 8, 2025 Thursday, June 12, 2025 Thursday, July 10, 2025 Thursday, August 14, 2025 Thursday, September 11, 2025 Thursday, October 9, 2025 Thursday, November 13, 2025 Thursday, December 11, 2025 ~~~~~~~~ Bicentennial Merchandise Swanee's Sentimental Journey Children's Book by Jennifer Packard ~~~~~~~ History of Steamboats on Findley Lake Book by John Swartz ~~~~~~~ For Sale For Sale at Findley Lake & Mina Historical Society Mina-Findley Lake Community Center 2883 North Road, Findley Lake, NY Saturday Mornings or Call 716-769-7688 |
Mina Town Board Approves Purchase of Property for Waste Water Treatment Plant The Mina Town Board recently adopted a final order approving the creation of the Findley Lake Sewer District. Securing property for a waste water treatment plant is an essential next step for the engineering firm to begin the design process. Three parcels of property located at 3093 Route 426 were bundled by the seller under one sales contract and the property was posted for sale on the open market. Located at the northeast corner of Route 426 and Interstate 86, the building recently housed Findley Lake Landscaping. This property was identified by the sewer district engineering firm as a preferred location for the construction of the treatment plant. The seller entertained multiple bids on the property and on December 28, 2024, the Mina Town Board approved the purchase of the property for the purpose of constructing the waste water treatment plant. The Town Supervisor and the seller executed the sales agreement on December 30, 2024 for $427,500. The cost of property acquisition is covered under the grants awarded to the Town. The closing is expected to take place on or before February 15th. Matt Zarbo, Project Engineer with Square Engineering, shared that with the purchase of property for the treatment plant underway, his firm can begin the design process. He estimates that designing the system will take approximately one year. The Town is currently in the process of gathering contact information on impacted properties in the sewer district so that the engineers can begin scheduling individual property owner meetings in the Spring of 2025 to discuss details on hooking up to the sanitary sewer system. The Town would appreciate receiving phone numbers and email addresses from sewer district property owners. To submit your contact information, either stop by the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office at 2883 North Road, Findley Lake during regular business hours (Monday Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 am to 12 noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm as well as Friday 8:30 to 11:30 am), call 716-769-7204 ext. 1, or send an email to: [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation with the process. Submitted by Rebecca N. Brumagin, Mina Town Supervisor __________________________________________________________________________ Town of Mina Awarded Two Large Grants from New York State DEC Governor Kathy Hochul has recently announced that the Town of Mina was awarded two New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Water Quality Improvement Program (WQIP) grants – one for the Findley Lake Sewer District project and the other for the Buesink’s Creek Stream Restoration project. Sewer District Project: The Findley Lake Sewer District project was selected to receive a WQIP grant for up to $10,000,000. These funds are in addition to the grant funds previously approved for the project including a $13,050,000 grant from the Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and a $13,050,000 grant from the New York Water Infrastructure Improvement program (WIIA). The three grants totaling up to $36.1 million exceed the original cost estimate of $26.1 million and are available for capital costs associated with the construction of the sewer project. Buesink’s Creek Stream Restoration Project: Buesink’s Creek, located along Route 426 south of the hamlet, has received up to $485,000 in grant funding. The Town of Mina applied for and received funding in 2022 for a Stormwater Retrofit Study under a Non-Agricultural Nonpoint Source Planning grant. The work on this grant by Barton & Loguidice Engineers was successfully completed in 2024. The purpose of that grant was to assess the existing causes of water quality impacts and to develop potential alternatives to mitigate water quality concerns for existing and future conditions. A retrofit alternative scoring matrix was developed to determine what projects would yield the greatest water quality benefits. Stabilization of Buesink’s Creek scored highest for total stormwater benefits (nutrient reduction, sediment reduction, and water quantity/flood reduction). The project was compared to nine other alternatives to address pollutant and sediment loading into the lake. The Buesink’s Creek project proposes to reduce pollutant loading in Findley Lake by stabilizing streambanks along the more compromised extents of the creek, which currently exhibits severe erosion and lateral migration resulting in significant sediment and gravel deposition directly to Findley Lake. The project utilizes natural channel streambank design components including re-grading of streambanks for floodplain connectivity, erosion control, native plantings, and restoring stable channel sinuosity via green revetment. The project will provide a substantial water quality benefit to Findley Lake, which is subject to a TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) for phosphorus. In addition to reducing the annual phosphorus load to Findley Lake, the project will also reduce nitrogen and sediment loading to the lake. This water quality improvement project will provide a direct water quality benefit and minimize the number of harmful algae blooms and other issues related to nutrient and sediment loading the lake, allowing residents and seasonal visitors to fully utilize the lake. In addition to the comprehensive approach being utilized for the proposed streambank stabilization project, the project would provide synergy with other water quality projects for Findley Lake, including implementation of the sanitary sewer system. Submitted by Rebecca Brumagin, Mina Town Supervisor (Information on the Buesink’s Creek project is from the WQIP grant application) |