On March 23, 1824, Mina, a town of 22,028 acres, high in altitude and of rolling, hilly surface, was set off from the town of Clymer, it included its present area and what is now the town of Sherman, which was taken off eight years later. Findley Lake, a rival of Chautauqua Lake in beauty, if not in size, lies within the town, its waters, shores and two beautiful islands forming pictures of beauty with the varying changes of light temperature and season. Findley Lake, situated among the high hills, is the second largest body of water in Chautauqua county, its waters finding an outlet through French creek, a stream which in earlier years furnished water power in abundance and turned the wheels of many mills. The town is a part of the natural watershed which turns the waters north and south into the valleys of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. There are two villages in the town, Mina and Findley Lake, the latter located at the north end of Findley Lake. The population of the town, according to the State census of 1915 is 1,016 citizens and 5 aliens. There is little manufacturing in the town, owing to the insufficiency of the water power and the absence of rail transportation. Mina has been fortunate in having good records of its early days preserved by participants in making the history of the town.